Friday, February 6, 2009

When I met you...

Oh my god, jesus christ I cant believe Im actually reviewing an upcoming movie abomination... well i guess you should'hav seen this coming because love day is coming faster than American couples filing for a divorce. and before I begin I must warn you that I'm making this entry out of sheer boredom and should not expect anything less but bullshit, but hey its the kind of bullshit that's actually interesting. I guess the title might have mislead to thinking that "hey look a review on when I met u"[HAHA!] but its not its my personal opinion on movies that are specifically made for the valentines season.(don't ask me why I put the picture up and the title :D) every year when valentines day is approaching Filipino movie makers churn out these "romantic" flicks that always seem to follow a definite pattern and it goes this way.
  1. Guy/Girl cant find special person who is sensitive,metrosexual, has white teeth, one who wears expensive hair gel, and owns or inherits a company.(well maybe not the company part but you get me)
  2. Guy/Girl starts looking for partner, after a dozen of possible candidates the girl/guy still cant find the right one, so he/she consults loud obnoxious friend.
  3. As Guy/Girl and obnoxious friend are about to meet, Girl trips or, Guy "spills something,smacks girl accidentally ,etc."
  4. (cheesy slow motion & cue theme song of movie)
  5. guy and girl bicker, then become close...
  6. guy and girl plan on having a baby, but family of girl opposes because guy might spend family fortune on glutathione.
  7. then guy or girl gets emotional because they "are not meant for each other",separates...
  8. then both realize that its almost 2hrs to the movie and still nothing is resolved, they then meet because of some conference or anything that can make them cross paths.
  9. they realize movie gets really boring if they drag it even more,so they instantly love each other again, and family magically approves of them...
  10. happy ending (cue theme song once again)
well I may have some of the details off, you might want to throw in an antagonist to help plot build-up or one of the main character dies and so on. but you gotta admit it always has some of the elements I mentioned above.
Look I'm not against to these kinds of flicks but the way people get milked by the film industry bothers me, they promote the movie by making stories in the news entertainment segment about "celebrities" are secretly in a tryst, THEEEN, people are like "OOOOOOOH whats next?" right after they get the mass' attention the media then promotes their fucking movie thats coming up, some people are then stupid enough to watch the flick. then they get filmed shouting like a eunuch on speed about how good the movie was even if it was terrible, as long as theirs a camera everythings all good, AND in that way more people will be swayed to watch... amazing...

[gotta doze off ]


1 comment:

  1. correct! Movie plots nowadays are repetitive and very dragging. What is the Media trying to implant in our minds?
